The Negligible Lab International

Drowning in the sea of electrical and electronic circuits. Lost in the forest of computers and programs. Where we're going, we don't need roads!

Current Control Simulation by LTspice


When controlling a motor or connecting to the grid by a voltage-source inverter (VSI), current control*1 is necessary. Nowadays, it must be rare to do the job with an analog circuit using operational amplifiers, etc.*2 whereas microcontrollers, DSPs (digital signal processors), and/or FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays) are chosen as the control hardware. In this case, the system becomes discrete-time where the control computation routine is called cyclically every sampling period like functions called by a timer interruption, etc. A dead time is then introduced for time T so that the control gain design is an issue to ensure stability. Moreover, in the VSI control, PWM converts the output voltage reference to a pulse pattern which has the same average value.

I have learned power conversion circuits and their control. Yet, my understanding to the current control was really ambiguous. Hence, I try to perform the following two comparisons using LTspice XVII and my own control system library, Contraille.

  • Continous-time (analog) vs. discrete-time (digital) controls
  • Arbitrary vs. pulse-width-modulated voltage sources

The object here is a simple RL circuit.

Fig. 1: RL circuit under study.

The voltage v(t) is adjusted so that the current i(t) has a desired value or waveform. In this case, the "controlled variable" is i(t) whereas v(t) is called the "manipulated variable" although this term seems not widely used. Just in case, t is time and both v(t) and i(t) become a function dependent on time t.

DISCLAIMER: This entry may contain technical errors!

My smattering knowledge heard from others

It is often said (?) that when R = 0 Ω and the sampling period is T, the current i(t) does not overshoot by setting the current control proportional gain KP to satisfy:

K_{P} \leq \displaystyle \frac{L}{4 T}. \tag{1}

This is stated in, e.g., Refs. *3 and *4. However, it could be necessary to pay one's own effort to understand it. So, I will try to play with block diagrams and equations.

Let's see a simulation example.

A schematic shown in Fig. 2 has been created using LTspice XVII and my own control system library, Contraille. There are two controllers, the continuous- and the discrete-time controllers, in parallel, and you can select one by a multiplexer. In addition, one more multiplexer can select whether the output signal of the controller goes directly to the voltage-dependent voltage source E1, or is pulse-width-modulated before going to E1.

Fig. 2: LTspice schematic.

This is just an example, but the circuit and control parameters are summerized in Table I.

Table I: Circuit and control parameters

Resistor, R20 mΩ
Inductor, L5 mH
Sampling period100 μs
Proportional gain, KPK \displaystyle \frac{L}{4 T}~[ \mathrm{V/A} ]
Integral gain KIK_{P} \displaystyle  \frac{R}{L}~[ \mathrm{V/As} ]

The proportional gain has a parameter K, which is changed to be K = 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, and 1.8, by .step param command of LTspice. When K = 1, KP = L / (4 T) as in (1).

Fig. 3: Discrete-time control + PWM

As can be seen in Fig. 3, when K = 1, the current i(t) has no overshoot.

Simple block diagram in continuous time

Fig. 4 shows the simplest block diagram in the s-domain, applying a PI (proportional and integral) controller, the simplest block diagram without considering the dead time.

Fig. 4: Continuous-time simple control block diagram
In this case, the open-loop transfer function Go(s) is:

G_{o}(s) = \displaystyle \left (K_{P} + \frac{K_{I}}{s} \right ) \frac{1}{s L + R} = \frac{K_{P}}{s L} \frac{s + \frac{K_{I}}{K_{P}}}{s + \frac{R}{L}} \tag{2}.

If you set the proportional gain KP and the integral gain KI to satisfy:

\displaystyle \frac{K_{I}}{K_{P}} = \frac{R}{L} \tag{3},

pole-zero cancellation occurs, making Go(s) be:

G_{o}(s) =\displaystyle \frac{K_{P}}{s L} \tag{4}.

Then, the closed-loop transfer function Gc(s) is a first-order delay with ωn = KP / L as expressed like:

G_{c}(s) = \displaystyle \frac{\frac{K_{P}}{L}}{s + \frac{K_{P}}{L}} \tag{4}.

The problem here is how the proportional gain KP should be set. As mentioned above, if setting KP = L / (4 T), which is the border to have no overshoot,

G_{c}(s) = \displaystyle \frac{\frac{1}{4 T}}{s + \frac{1}{4 T}} \tag{5}.

This is a first-order delay of ωn = 1 / (4 T). For example, if T = 100 μs, ωn = 2,500 rad/s.

In reality, however, a dead time accompanying the computational time and frequency characteristics of the current sensor matter so that it is necessary to check the gain and phase margins, (which I would like to write in another entry.)

Block diagram in discrete-time control

As far as I see some textbooks, they first express discrete-time control systems in the continuous-time s-domain. Let's begin with R = 0 Ω and KI = 0.

Fig. 5: Block diagram expressing discrete-time control in the s-domain.

In Fig. 5, e−sT is a dead time for one sampling period and (1 − e−sT) / s is the transfer function of a zero-order hold. The open-loop transfer function Go(s) is derived from Fig. 5 as:

G_{o}(s) = \displaystyle \frac{(K_{P} / L) (e^{-s T} - e^{-2 s T})}{s^{2}} \tag{8}.

Converting this to the z-domain, you obtain:

G_{o}(z) = \mathcal{Z} [G_{o}(s) ] = \displaystyle \frac{(K_{P} T / L) z (z^{-1} - z^{-2})}{(z - 1)^{2}} = \frac{K_{P} T / L}{z (z - 1)} = \frac{K_{P} T / L}{z^{2} - z} \tag{8}.

The closed-loop transfer function Gc(z) can be written as:

G_{c}(z) = \displaystyle \frac{G_{o}(z)}{1 + G_{o}(z)} = \frac{K_{P} T / L}{z^{2} - z + K_{P} T / L} \tag{9}.

Then, the characteristic roots of Gc are:

z = \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \pm \sqrt{\frac{1}{4} - \frac{K_{P} T}{L}} \tag{10}.

The overshoot does not happen when the characteristic roots are real. It means that the inside of square root in (10) is positive as follows:

K_{P} < \displaystyle \frac{L}{4 T} \tag{11}.

This is the way to theoretically reach the conclusion of "My smattering knowledge heard from others" (although I do not fully understand how...😅).

Simulation results

Let me present other simulation results.

Fig. 6: Continuous-time + no PWM

Fig. 7: Continuous-time + PWM

Fig. 8: Discrete-time + no PWM

I will prepare and clean up my own control system library Contraille and make it available publicly!

[Updates while translating] I have uploaded Contraille in GitHub already. See below.

Updates: Moving-average filter to detected current signal

The continuous-time controller in Fig. 2 compared the detected current signal directly with the current reference. Meanwhile, the discrete-time controller needed to sample and hold the current signal i(t) after detection. I guessed that the difference between continuous- and discrete-time controller in Figs. 3 and 6-8 was in this point.

Textbooks of digital control and z-transform say transfer function of sample and hold, GSH(s), can approximately be written as:

G_{\mathrm{SH}}(s) = \displaystyle \frac{1 - e^{-s T}}{s T} \tag{12}.

This is completely the same as that of the moving average filter (MAF). Hence, why don't we add a MAF to the detected current signal i(t) in the continuous-time controller and compare its behavior with that of the discrete-time controller again?

Fig. 9: Adding a moving-average filter to the detected current signal in the continuous-time controller.

Let's set the current control proportional gain KP = 1.4 × L / (4 T) which will cause overshoot and compare the continuous- and discrete-time controllers.

Fig. 10: Continuous-time controller with a MAF and discrete-time controller (without PWM)

Fig. 11: Continuous-time controller with a MAF and discrete-time controller (with PWM)

Whoa! Waveforms of continuous- and discrete-time controllers almost perfectly coinside! Adding a MAF to the continuous-time controller has made the behaviors of the two controllers almost equal, whereas they were different in Figs. 3 and 6-8 despite the same proportional gain KP. In other words, discrete-time (digital) control, needing to perform sample and hold, automatically has a characteristics of MAF in the feedback loop. In addition, this coincidence does not depend on whether PWM is done or not.

Well, I had not been able to deeply grasp this kind of insight without doing hands-on myself.


This is a translation to my original Japanese entry linked below:

*1:Sometimes current control is referred to as "ACR", but I guess this is a Japanese English.

*2:早川:「初めての自立移動ロボット制御シミュレーション」,トランジスタ技術,2020年7月号,pp. 71-86

*3:J. Tahara, H. Fujita, and H. Akagi, "Control and performance of a PWM eectifier with an FPGA-based current controller," IEEJ Technical Meeting on Semiconductor Power Converter, SPC-05-14, Jan. 2005, Osaka, pp. 33-38.
田原・藤田・赤木:「FPGAによる高速電流制御を適用したPWM整流器の動作特性」,電気学会半導体電力変換研究会資料SPC-05-14,pp. 33-38,2005年1月,大阪

*4:H. Akagi, E. H. Watanabe, and M. Aredes, Instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning, Wiley, 2007